Provide respite for your carers and improve the quality of life for your residents.
In just a couple of clicks, you can host remote social groups and events, which residents can join easily with a standard phone or online. It helps you:
- Deliver meaningful social interaction
- Build communities based on shared interests
- Improve well-being and quality of life for residents
- Involve those with complex accessibility needs
- Provide evidence for your CQC PIR/PIC
- Deliver valuable respite care for staff
Preventing isolation through innovation
At Together.ly we dedicate our lives to developing accessible technology that helps you make the lives of others, less lonely.
Telephone befriending

Facilitate meaningful relationships by matching volunteers with service users and enabling them to call in a simple, safe and measurable way.
Learn moreGroup telephone calls

Build communities by hosting group calls based around shared interests or experiences, that are as simple to join as answering a ringing phone.
Learn moreAccessible video calls

Enable a sense of belonging and real connection with inclusive video conferencing designed to be accessible by the people you support.
Learn moreSome useful resources
To help you improve the well-being of the people you support, here's some of the things we've learned so far...